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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Rock My Boat!

So, my son woke up the day after Thanksgiving and said "Happy Black Friday." I seriously almost died of laughter.  The funniest part is that he's seven. At this point, Toys'R'Us is the key to Christmas.  But as we get older, yes, we are getting older, toys don't really rock our boats.  It takes a little more than Legos, Barbies and Pokemon cards to make us kick up our heels with glee.  And, as luck would have it, the Junior League is sponsoring THREE of these events this week! Here are the Deets!

Holiday Boutique: 
The boutique started Monday, November 26 and will continue through December 26 at the Nearly New Shop.  It is open during store hours, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm as long as inventory lasts.  The Holiday Boutique includes NEW hostess gifts and NEW toys, so come by and get through your holiday shopping list today. (The Nearly New Shop is located behind the Community Theater at 7 King Place in Morristown)
Sip 'n Shop: 
Wine and shopping at the Nearly New Shop. How can you go wrong?  This event is Friday, November 30 from 3-4:30.  We will be carding EVERYONE before we serve. Let me tell you, shopping while sipping has a very high success rate for the shopper.  I did it in Vegas once, it was amazing. 
Gift Expo: 
Last year, I did 75% of my holiday shopping at this event, and I bought a eclectic bag for myself.  The committee is promising this year's expo is even better! The event is Saturday, December 1 at the Hyatt in Morristown from 10:00 am -3:00 pm.  Tickets are $5 and worth every penny. Check out the website for further information or to pre-purchase tickets at www.jlmnj.org.  Don't forget, parking is free!

Happy Shopping! Look for me! I will be there! 

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