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JLM Scholarships

2011 High School Voluntarism Scholarships
This year, the JLM will recognize the outstanding community service of high school seniors by awarding four $2,500 college scholarships. The primary criterion is a demonstrated commitment to voluntarism. Secondary criteria are leadership, extra-curricular activities, scholastic effort and work or family responsibilities. Financial need is not a factor for consideration. Applicants have to reside in Morris or Somerset Counties, and must plan to attend an accredited college, university or trade school.

2011 Women Moving Forward Scholarship
In celebration of our 70th anniversary, the JLM began awarding a $2,500 scholarship to a woman 40 years of age and older, who is planning to attend or is attending college after taking time away from school. The primary criteria are a commitment to improving oneself through education and financial need. Secondary criteria are scholastic effort and work or family responsibilities. Applicants have to reside in Morris or Somerset counties, and must be pursuing a bachelor’s degree.

Completed applications must be postmarked no later than January 31, 2011. The winner will be notified by April 10, 2011. The scholarship award will be sent directly to the institution in which the recipient will attend.

Applications may be downloaded by going to the JLM's website http://www.jlmnj.org/.

Scholarships Awarded
On April 28, 2010, the Junior League of Morristown, Inc. proudly awarded 4 college-bound seniors with $2500 scholarships for exhibiting exceptional volunteerism. All of these recipients began volunteering at very early ages and continued to grow and refine their volunteerism to suit their gifts and match their passions. Their leadership in creating and completing projects, recognition and compassion for those in need, and desire and action to help their fellow man proved their worthiness in these scholarships. Scholarship Chairwoman Bridget Jaeger congratulated our winners on behalf of the League.

Christopher Seery will be graduating from Hanover Park High School and attending Lafayette College to major in biology with aspirations of Medical School. Chris is a scholar-athlete-humanitarian who began his commitment to helping others as a boy with his work that he continued with the food pantry. His culminating project involved his Eagle Scout Award for which he utilized his leadership to create the 9/11 All Wars Memorial at Germershausen Park. Chris has also dedicated many years at the St. Barnabas Medical Center.

Lindsay Alexander will graduate from Roxbury High School to attend Drexel University with aspirations in the music industry. Along with her exceptional academic performance and extra curricular activities, Lindsay propelled herself into volunteerism with Exceptional Children. She also achieved the Girl Scout Gold, Silver and Bronze awards for creating a memorial garden, renovating a town basketball court and working for Habitat for Humanity.

Anna Kalavrezos will graduate from Boonton High School with the highest of academic accolades and will join the College of NJ in the fall with engineering pursuits. Like so many, Anna’s volunteerism began at a young age in the scouts where she achieved the Bronze and Gold Girl Scout awards. Her commitment to St. Clare’s Hospital where she spends most of her time volunteering in the elder care facility show her compassion and love for helping others.

Kathleen Pine graduates from Ridge High School this June to pursue Childhood Education and Music education at George Mason University. Kathleen uses her love for and gift of song in every facet of her life from competition and fun to helping others. Another recipient of the Girl Scout Gold Award, she has used her beautiful voice to fundraise for Autism as well as other organizations. Her most significant work involved her time working with the Lindsey Meyer Teen Institute to help teens avoid peer pressure into drugs and alcohol.